The Malesci Pharmaceutical company, member of the Menarini Group, has enrolled in the innovative Lifegate Zero Impact® project, sponsoring scientific congresses organised with the environment in mind.
Zero Impact® is the first project in Italy to put into action the concepts laid down in the Kyoto protocol aimed at reducing the emissions of carbon dioxide and compensating any damage by planting trees to create new forests.
Even at the 2 nd International Cardio Event on Innovations in the field of Cardiology from a Clinical, Epidemiological and Methodological viewpoint, held last January and sponsored by Malesci in co-operation with LifeGate, the environmental impact in terms of CO 2 emissions generated by the event was assessed. Taking into account the amount of electricity used, the emissions generated by participants’ cars, as well as all other emissions of CO 2 and gases with a potential ‘greenhouse’ effect, LifeGate was able to calculate the number of square metres of trees and plants necessary to compensate for the total amount of emissions generated (hence rendering the event Zero Impact®!)
"The idea of compensating the ecological footprint left by the events we hold is the result of an assiduous focus on socio-environmental issues. Our commitment over the past two years has given us the opportunity to plant more than 25.000 square metres of forest in Costa Rica, one of the world’s greatest areas of biodiversity, and to reabsorb approximately 70.000 kgs of CO 2 . By doing this we are not only fulfilling our ethical and social obligations but also going beyond the limits established by the laws in force ", commented Dr. Bertolaccini, General Manager of Malesci.

Firenze, 02/02/2010