Menarini Weltweit:

Berlin-Chemie entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt seit über 130 Jahren pharmazeutische Produkte und ist seit 1992 eine Tochtergesellschaft der Menarini-Gruppe, dem führenden italienischen Pharmaunternehmen.

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Verantwortung wird bei Berlin-Chemie großgeschrieben. Wir leisten nicht nur einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Gesundheitsversorgung, sondern setzen unsere Werte auch durch verschiedene soziale Initiativen in die Praxis um.

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Von Schulmaterialien über kostenlose Mahlzeiten und Medikamente bis hin zur Pflege der Umwelt weltweit. Bei Menarini bedeutet Verantwortung, unsere Werte in konkrete Handlungen umzusetzen, die für andere und für den Planeten gut sind.

Berlin-Chemie - ein starker Partner. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung und der Erfolg gemeinsamer Projekte machen uns zum bevorzugten Partner. 

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Menarini verfügt über ein fundiertes Know-how in vielen wichtigen therapeutischen Bereichen, dank der langjährigen, exzellenten Markteinführung und der Kapazitäten in Marketing und Vertrieb sowie der Expertise in Bezug auf regulatorische Aspekte und Marktzugang. Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel zu großem Erfolg, und bei Menarini ist Partnerschaft ein Teil der DNA.

Unser ganzheitlich ausgerichtetes und professionelles Gesundheitsmanagement bietet Ärzten zu vielen Themen, je nach Bedarf, individuelle Beratung, Schulungen oder Workshops, Veranstaltungen und Vorträge an.

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Menarini Group News

2011 - 03 - 08

MENARINI WATERPOLO - Menarini becomes the new Title Sponsor of the female water polo team Fiorentina Waterpolo

Florence, March 8, 2011

Florence - Tuesday, March 8, 2011. Thanks to an important collaboration between the City of Florence, Fiorentina Waterpolo and Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche, Menarini is the new Title Sponsor of the major league women’s water polo team.

The new sponsor was officially presented today, March 8, 2011, at a press conference held at Florence’s City Hall with the participation of the Deputy Mayor, Dario Nardella, the President of Fiorentina Waterpolo, Sandra Del Corona, the team’s athletes and staff, and Lucia Aleotti, Member of Menarini’s Board of Directors.

"This news,” said the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Sport Dario Nardella, “fills me with great satisfaction given that after many months of commitment Fiorentina Waterpolo is rewarded with the opportunity to associate its name with a high level sponsor like Menarini which represents the tradition of the City of Florence. I am also particularly pleased that this “union” takes place on International Women's Day because Fiorentina Waterpolo symbolizes a successful model for female sports. With this new partnership, the objectives that were already ambitious for De Magistris’ girls have a better chance of being obtained. Also on behalf of Mayor Renzi, we would like to stress the City of Florence’s commitment to sports, especially water polo, and hope that other companies in our territory will follow Menarini and approach and support the sport.”

Sandra Del Corona, President of Fiorentina Waterpolo, and Gianni De Magistris, coach: "We are honored and proud that Fiorentina Waterpolo has reached an agreement with a Florentine company of such great international importance and this collaboration will surely allow our team to achieve once again the highest aspirations."

Lucia Aleotti, Member of Menarini’s Board of Directors: "It is no coincidence that we chose March 8th for inaugurating this collaboration. It is a very significant date for us because women have always been our priority. The MIMOSA study on ovarian cancer, one of our most ambitious research projects, was initiated on March 8, 2007. This time we are thrilled to support a Florentine all female team with great potentiality at the national level. We would especially like to thank Giotti, the outgoing Title Sponsor, who passes us the baton of a team in excellent health."

The Menarini Pharmaceutical Group, which this year celebrates its 125th anniversary, takes the field for the second time alongside a high-level national sports team: last January it became the Title and Main Sponsor of major league men's volleyball for the 2010/2011 season with one of the most successful products of its OTC Division, Sustenium Plus.

For more information please contact Press Office

Menarini Fiorentina Waterpolo: